Instead of loving each other, why not understand each other?
Are you agree with this phrase?
i am very agree.This phrase is come from the chienese drama. i do like this phrase, because it really touch me from the bottom of my heart.
do you hv try2 understand the people beside u?
love is great and a powerful thing in this earth.This including the love between the parent with their children,girl and girl,boy and boy,girl and boy and etc...
as in god love us because he knows us
he know us because he create us.
as in mother's love her children because she knows her children.
when u really know someone, you can truly love him.
This knowledge of someone is a spiritual knowingness,not just knowing someone on a physical plane. Because of this knowingness, regardless of what the person had done or become, you are able to tolerate his weakness and go through with him.
so,from now on..try to understand the people beside you is better than you love someone in blind.
p/s: some of the sentense is copy from internet
Instead of loving each other, why not understand each other?
Are you agree with this phrase?
i am very agree.This phrase is come from the chienese drama. i do like this phrase, because it really touch me from the bottom of my heart.
do you hv try2 understand the people beside u?
love is great and a powerful thing in this earth.This including the love between the parent with their children,girl and girl,boy and boy,girl and boy and etc...
as in god love us because he knows us
he know us because he create us.
as in mother's love her children because she knows her children.
when u really know someone, you can truly love him.
This knowledge of someone is a spiritual knowingness,not just knowing someone on a physical plane. Because of this knowingness, regardless of what the person had done or become, you are able to tolerate his weakness and go through with him.
so,from now on..try to understand the people beside you is better than you love someone in blind.
p/s: some of the sentense is copy from internet
hehe..nolah..i am no great like that la !
i haven't reach at this boundary.
ya,i know something is easy to say,but hard to do so...
just try ur best^^
i also agree^^hehe
for me,
if really love someone, and dat person love u too..
then together lor...
if really "ngam" then both of u will feel xing fu and happy
if not, just break up lor
at least u got a chance to try
but for me,
u so kind, u sure can find someone who truly lov u and happy together no need break up on
jia u
actually sometime i also will like to be alone
so its ok
the most important is u stay happy and dun think too much
got wat dun put in ur heart
say it up
share wif ppl
if u think i m not dat good wif u yet,
share wif lian lor
stay happy~~
thx u very much penny~~
actually friends is significant for me.
i need my friend beside me to reminder me when see me do any wrong!
i hope we can be friendship forever!time will be make our friendship become more close and tough.
i will try to do my best and cherish our friendship.
ya,u are right..the important is stay happy.
the matter happen recently really let me learn many thing.
i know liao!
i will de!
now i juz found tat my mother no really understand me actually~
yet, i love my mother n my mother is love me^^
this is natural love~
a mother love her children, a children love her mother~
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